Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Shmalentine's

     Valentine's day is so bitter sweet it's unbelievable. On one hand it's become trendy to flip the holiday the bird. Badass chicks, independent ladies, and and those just down with being a rebel seem so eager to pretend they could give two flips about Valentine's Day. I know I've been guilty of the same attitude.
     However I can also confess that when the day finally comes around, I'm turning every corner secretly hoping for some extravagant surprise! No matter how tough you want to appear, you know that on that day you're secretly hoping to be swept off your feet by your prince charming! Part of the reason girls have become so blase' about February 14th is because of YOU, men. Yes that's right, it's all on you. However, there's hope! It's so easy to turn it around and be the hero that saved this sweet and sexy day!
     I have already told my man that getting a box of chocolates is a huge turn off. What a brat huh? Honestly though, how absolutely unoriginal is a box of chocolates. It screams "I knew you'd be pissed if I didn't get you something, so I went with these." Nothing like a box of chocolates on Valentines Day to make you feel like all the other ladies in the world. I love a gift that carries some type of significant connection to my relationship with someone. A gift that says "I thought of us when I saw this," or "I remembered you said you wanted this," or even a gift that strays from the usual stuffed animal, chocolate, roses etc.
     I guess I was spoiled when I was younger. My dad would get my sister and I gifts for Valentine's Day, so it's a big let down to get a gift from some guy that a gift from my dad out shined 10 years ago.  Guys, let me tell you how to get the most out of your Valentine's Day. Unless this is a brand new relationship (and by brand new I mean almost secret admirer status), stay away from Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, your local grocery store, etc. Spend at least 1 or 2 hours thinking, JUST THINKING, about what to get your special lady. Think about what makes her different from your past relationships, or what makes her shine brighter in your eyes in a room full of people, or why you have especially appreciated her in your life recently.
     Come on guys you can do this, it's not difficult. You can think about it in the shower, while you're dropping a load, while you're pumping iron, or before you go to sleep. Then, once you've put a measly 2 hrs of thought in, spend at least 1 hour shopping for something significant. It can be big or small, expensive or free, edible or not. Just make sure it's something that has a direct connection with your relationship. Good luck! Go get em' gents!

DISCLAIMER: Last Valentine's Day was one of the most wonderful I have experienced. My man gave me flowers, a hair straightener, his led zeppelin t-shirt, and took me for a beer and some awesome sushi!

     The hair straightener was bought because he had dropped mine when he was goofing off in my bathroom, touching everything that doesn't belong to him (as he usually does). I had complained that it never worked quite the same after it took that tumble.

     The led zeppelin t-shirt was from an episode of "That 70's Show" that we were watching one night. My man isn't that fond of expressing emotions, or being overly romantic and gooshy. So when we saw Hyde give Jackie his favorite Led Zeppelin shirt for her birthday, I teasingly said, "you'd never do something that romantic huh?" Giving me HIS favorite Led Zeppelin t-shirt definitely reassured me that he is truly living with me in all those quiet moments and that I'm not alone on this adventure. (although....a couple weeks later he did ask for it back.....ah well.)

     I did get the cliche flowers and candy along with my presents. But even those had a special touch. Every package of candy I got had one piece either missing or with a bite taken out of it. It was probably my favorite part about all of the gifts, because it was so familiar. He's alway taking bites out of my food. It just reminded me that the gifts truly came from him.

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