I don't wear heels anymore. They hurt my feet, and I don't like feeling like I tower over people.
I'm wearing less and less makeup everyday.
My new "wild nights" consist of listening to my friends play music.
Small talk drains me.
Philosophical conversations energize me.
I TRY to eat healthy.
I love my job and the kids I coach.
I'm excited about graduating college in the next couple years!
I want to have a family, but I am not fixated on when. I'm only concentrated on doing what I can to better myself so when all of that falls into place I will be one prepared lady!
Superficial people turn me off.
Rudeness hurts me.
I still love live music.
I really want a puppy.
I don't have as much energy as I used to. Naps have become part of my daily regimen.